For over 30 years, UUFHCTX has provided a religious home for people in the Rio Grande Valley who seek to follow the path of their spiritual journeys in the company of other free-thinking individuals.


Weekly Service

Service is held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. During our services, members of our fellowship or guest speakers give sermons on a variety of topics connected to the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism. (For more information on upcoming sermons, visit our calendar). Our services include music and meditation and always conclude with coffee and conversation.

Adult Discussion Forum

Our adult discussion forum meets every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. before service. Forum participants bring diverse perspectives to conversation about a wide range of topics. Participants find forum discussions to be energetic, rich, and deeply engaging. Involvement in the forum is a great way to forge personal connections with other members and friends of UUFHC.

English as a second language (ESL) classes

During the winter season, UUFHC offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to the community. The sliding scale fee ensures classes are accessible to anyone who wishes to participate. More information on the upcoming season’s classes, including how to sign up, will be posted soon!


UUFHC is proud to have a seven-circuit labyrinth on our grounds! The labyrinth was lovingly designed by UUFHC member Carolyn Nieland and built by Carolyn and Tom Nieland in 2012. Hummingbird and butterfly-friendly bushes and herbs surround the perimeter of this rock labyrinth, which is 55 feet in diameter. The labyrinth is open to the public and free of charge to enjoy!

vegan potlucks

UUFHC regularly hosts evening vegan potlucks, which also feature activities such as yoga, meditation, and jam sessions. Check out our calendar for information on upcoming potlucks.

Adult Children Anonymous (ACA)

Every Tuesday evening, an Adult Children Anonymous (ACA) group meets in UUFHC’s Sager building. More information about this twelve-step program is available here.

Facebook COnnections

We have a continuous conversation space on Facebook where members and friends can share information, ask questions and stay informed about Fellowship activities. To join just click the link and request access. HUGS

Our public facebook page for announcements is here: Fellowship Page

Sunday services are the tip of the iceberg of our UUFHCTX community! I’m proud that despite our relatively small size, we offer a wide variety of opportunities for members to get involved and live out their UU values.
— Rachel Corsi