uufhcTX is…

A lay-led Unitarian Universalist congregation located in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Being “lay-led” means that our tight-knit community works together to make our vision happen! We do not have a minister, so each Sunday, members of our fellowship or guest speakers give sermons on a variety of topics connected to the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism. Our services, which begin at 10:30 a.m., include music and meditation and always conclude with coffee and conversation. In addition, there is an energetic adult discussion forum every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

UUFHC’s members lovingly care for our building and grounds, teach ESL classes, hold vegan potlucks and other special events for the community, and engage in social justice movements. Whoever you are, and whatever your gifts, there is a place for you at UUFHC!

We are a church…

  • where the vast majority of its members believe in evolution.

  • that has been performing same-sex unions since 1984, and was the first mainline denomination supporting same-sex marriages.

  • where some members and ministers are Buddhists, some are Christians, some are Jewish, some are Wiccan, and some are atheists.

  • where all of those people mentioned above can gather in worship and support each other’s spiritual journeys.

  • where caring for the earth and its creatures is seen as a religious responsibility.

  • where the members are united by shared values, not a sacred creed or dogma.

  • where belief in hell, and even belief in a life after death, is optional.

  • where we teach the values of peace, justice, and tolerance to everyone, especially our children.

  • where the visual arts — drama, music, and dance — are affirmed as spiritual expressions.

  • where reason is used to find religious truth.

Executive Directors/Committee chairs

Outreach: Robin Vargas

Building & Grounds: Tom Nieland

Labyrinth Carolyn Nieland

Finance: Diana Clyne

Worship: Laurie Ruiz/Jerald Hughes

Membership: Carolyn Nieland/Tom Curtin

Social Media & Tech: Thomas Curtin

Board of directors

President: Jerald Hughes

Vice President: Carolyn Neiland

Treasurer: Diana Clyne

Secretary: Rachel Alvarez

Parliamentarian: Alycen Hughes